What is MonoM SaaS?

MonoM has a DataOps platform whose purpose is to cover the entire lifecycle of industrial data, that is, MonoM is able to obtain the data from, for example, a sensor in the field, transport it to the cloud, verify it, standardize it and apply the necessary intelligence to solve different use cases.

Among the variety of cases that MonoM solves we can find intelligent predictive maintenance, quality verification, process optimization and of course remote management of intelligent devices.

Finally, the results of this data processing can be consulted by the different users that the platform is focused on, providing them with different channels to receive notifications and alerts, as well as dashboards specialized to the specific use case.


As a SaaS service, our customers do not have to worry about issues such as system availability, updates or security.

The problem: if I contract a SaaS, I am losing control of my data. 

Occasionally, some of our customers present us with some concerns: "I wouldn't want to lose control of the data" or "I love your solution, how do I install it in my infrastructure?"

Many companies have been using SaaS products for a long time, however, there are other companies that have traditionally opted for having all the productive systems under their infrastructure and so far have not considered another paradigm. The main advantage of this model is to have greater control over the solutions contracted, but it has a series of disadvantages directly related to the increase in costs:

  • Installation and commissioning costs, which may vary depending on the cloud in which you want to install it, not having to perform a custom installation shortens the time and costs of commissioning.
  • Personnel costs, having a customized instance directly results in the need for personnel specialized in both cloud and certain technologies. This specialized staff will have among its functions the monitoring of the solution and its infrastructure, as well as the application of product updates.
  • Cloud costs, if an in-house installation is chosen in-houseIf you opt for an in-house installation, it is necessary to make a minimum of infrastructure available on an ongoing basis, even if it is not being used at all times.

In addition to the above, there is the problem of the loss of functionality derived from this model, since updates are the responsibility of the company's maintenance team and can be deferred over time. Finally, MonoM has a mobile application whose operation is supported in SaaS, but not in dedicated installations.

Given this situation, the question arises: how do I contract a SaaS such as MonoM without losing control of the data?

The solution: hybrid architectures 

To answer this question, MonoM offers its customers different solutions depending on their use case and the data lake they use, but in general the proposal is based on performing the data processing described below:

  1. MonoM connects to customer systems to extract data. This connection can be made to IT systems, for example, a storage system, or to OT systems, such as SCADA, sensors, cameras...
  2. The extracted data is sent to the MonoM cloud. From this moment on, MonoM is in charge of its processing.
  3. Once the data processing is finished, MonoM stores it in the company's data lake.

With this solution, the company has access to all data at any time, with both original and enriched data available.

Example: a company in the wind energy sector that has data in SCADA, Vaisala and wind turbine data in storage, and needs to store the enriched data in Azure Synapse.


This type of architectures facilitates the adoption of a SaaS platform such as MonoM, given that:

  • Allows companies to have all the data available (raw and enriched data).
  • Users can enjoy the solution in a shorter period of time, as start-up times are significantly reduced.
  • No need for specialized personnel to maintain a third-party solution, resulting in reduced costs.

MonoM has a team of specialists in data processing, capable of designing the solution that best suits the specific needs of the company, whose mission is to find the best efficiency - cost ratio, and that takes into account all parts of the company including users of the solution, cybersecurity and systems departments.

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